Jesus-Pure & Simple ( book review)

Pure & Simple
by Wayne Cordeiro

About the Book:

Jesus: Pure & Simple   -     
        By: Wayne Cordeiro
It's Time to Get Back to Jesus, Pure and Simple

Do you ever feel like you're being pulled in a million directions? Like you're overwhelmed with various programs and ministries, or with studying the steps to good parenting or the best ways to share Jesus with your neighbors? These are all good things, but even good things can sometimes take us away from our number one responsibility--knowing Jesus better.

Wayne Cordeiro shares how to focus on the One who matters most and take part in the joy and fulfillment that He brings. But he also teaches how this leads to selflessness, a true love for others, and effective ministry. It will, in fact, change how you see the world around you.

When you focus on Christ, everything else falls into place. Your relationships. Your job. Your church. Your mission. It's all placed in the hands of Jesus, pure and simple.

My Review:
Reading through the first several chapters of this book I didn't have anything stand out, speak to my heart or wow me. But then I reached chapter 8 where the Holy Spirit pointed out that I had an internal correction that needed to take place. I love when this happens because it means I'm growing to become more like Jesus. Pure and Simple.

Throughout this book, author Wayne Cordeiro does an amazing job showing who Jesus is. He gives us this insight and encourages us to check our hearts and lives as a whole to see how we measure up next to Jesus. Do we talk like Him? Do act like Him? Do we fully understand what it means to follow Him? By using various examples and metaphors, scriptures and story's, we see how this knowledge can be applied to our lives. At the end of each chapter you find a few questions about what you have just read to further your understanding in that area. I personally enjoyed that. I took my time reading through it and taking notes in it to make sure I understood it all and gave it time to sink in to my heart and spirit.

If you are curious on how to strengthen your walk with Jesus, have a friend or relative who has been recently saved or simply want to know more about Him, this is a great place to start. I have been walking with the Lord for 16 years and this book brought fresh revelation to many areas in my walk. I highly recommend this book no matter if your just starting out or are many years into it. Jesus-Pure & Simple will not disappoint.

****Thank you Bethany House Publishers for the free book in exchange for my honest review.****
Wayne Cordeiro
Pick up your copy at or at

You can find Wayne on Facebook and I see there is a web page in the works.


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